
[ Wolfgang]

Wolfgang Engel is shown with colleague Dieter Gronau in front of the University of Rostock, after receiving his Erdös Award in 1998.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wolfgang Engel

Born 10 April 1928

Died 05 October 2010, Rostock

In 1959 Professor Engel, at the age of only 31, was appointed as a professor for mathematics at the University of Rostock and remained in this position until his retirement in 1993.

During his 34-year career he made his mark in mathematics in many ways. Professor Engel was dean of the faculty for mathematics and sciences, prorector of the university and for 12 years the head of the department of mathematics.

With his diplomatic skills and personal integrity he always succeeded in creating a helpful and successful working environment for studying, teaching and researching mathematics.

Professor Engel was always especially concerned about the quality of teaching and the early recognition and promotion of mathematically talented students. To meet these aims that he became in effect director for publishing a collection of books - Mathematics for Teachers, in which in the years 1973-1991 20 volumes appeared. These books were for many the crucial ones for those aspiring to be excellent teachers.

Professor Engel was from 1975 to 1990 a member of the academy of the educational sciences of the GDR.

The national mathematics Olympiads started 50 years ago, and Professor Engel led and developed these over a long period.

The IMO was held twice in the GDR and in both cases he was the chairman of the jury. Due to his influence both IMOs were memorable.In 1965 Finland took part, and this was the very first time that a non-socialist country participated. In 1974 the U.S. joined the IMO for the very first time.

Professor Engel received numerous honours. In particular, in 1998 he received the Paul Erdös Award of the WFNMC.

Hans-Dietrich (Dieter) Gronau
October 2010


